What is SOZO?
Sozo ministry, or Sozo prayer is from the Greek word for “save” or “deliver.” It is defined as “a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to address the root causes hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
Our team prays for each applicant before and during the session. We ask each applicant to also pray before his or her ministry session, asking the Holy Spirit to bring to mind anything of significance to be brought up. We believe God’s use of the word “sozo” in Scripture is an invitation to experience not just salvation, healing, or deliverance, but all three.
It is a ministry of healing, freedom and restoration – healing your soul, freeing you from life-distorting lies and strongholds in your mind, and restoring your connection to the triune God.
Get in touch so we can start praying together.